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[Daily Today] Male infertility can be caused by COVID-19...sperm decreases 50% 2020-10-08
신보경 기자 boky0342@daum.net

▲ ( 사진: pixabay )

“Males who suffer from moderate or severe cases of COVID-19 could experience reduced fertility,”


Dr. Dan Aderka of Sheba Medical Center had reported new study of 'Post Diagnosis from COVID-19'.


According to a new study, Aderka reported that not only was the virus found within the sperm of some 13% of screened male COVID-19 patients, but that there was a 50% decrease in the sperm volume, concentration and motility in patients with moderate disease even 30 days post diagnosis.


Especially, post-mortem tests of 12 COVID-19 patients demonstrated moderate to severe changes in the testicular cells supporting sperm development and those producing testosterone, the hormone that induces sperm division and multiplication.


The testicular cells are two, The Sertoli cells and The Leyding cells. 

The Sertoli cells support sperm maturation. The Leydig cells produce testosterone.


bo kyoung, SHIN


<저작권자 © 데일리투데이, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지>




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